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On this episode of The WorkPlay Podcast, we chat with Stephanie, one of our incredible content creators! She walks us through her journey from treating photography as a hobby to turning it into a thriving career, with her background in fashion merchandising playing a key role. Now part of the WorkPlay team, Stephanie is here to share her best tips for successful brand shoots, along with insights she’s picked up along the way. Tune in to learn more about her story and get some practical advice for your next WorkPlay shoot!

Building a Connection:

Stephanie will always makes sure to build a connection with you during the debrief session before the shoot. She shares, “I always let them talk to me about what it is that they do so that I can really see how they are when talking about what they love to do.” By letting you open up about your true passions, Stephanie taps into your energy and personality, which makes the visuals she creates even more authentic and impactful.

Understanding the Brand:

Through lots of chatting and a bit of research, Stephanie gets a deep understanding of your brand. She really stresses the importance of this, saying, “I did my own little research, but I always like to let them talk to me… about what they love to do.” This lets her align her vision with your brand essence, making sure the visuals totally reflect who you are.

Empathy and Direction:

Stephanie totally gets that some people feel insecure or a little awkward in front of the camera. That’s why she’s all about making you feel super comfortable. “I always try to make the person that I’m shooting feel good about themselves,” she says. By giving direction, keeping the vibe relaxed, and showing examples, Stephanie helps all WorkPlay members feel confident and at ease, which leads to really genuine and captivating photos.

Encouraging Creativity:

Stephanie loves pushing WorkPlay members to step out of their comfort zones and explore their more creative sides during shoots. One of her go-to lines is, “Let’s turn you into your alter ego.” By encouraging you to try new things and express yourself in unique ways, Stephanie helps you unleash your full potential. The result? Bold, memorable images that stand out and capture something magical.

Optimizing Shoot Conditions:

With Miami’s unpredictable weather, Stephanie makes sure WorkPlay members are always prepared with essentials like sunblock, a fan, water, and a positive attitude before each shoot. By ensuring the shoot conditions are just right and keeping everyone comfortable, Stephanie sets the stage for a successful and fun session that leads to stunning visuals that perfectly capture your brand.

Stephanie’s Advice to Current and Future WorkPlay Members:

“The advice that I give to anybody who is trying to start building their brand online and social media is–don’t overthink it.”

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