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Mellissa is a seasoned intuitive reader and teacher with over 23 years of experience in the field. She has successfully bridged the gap between intuitive intelligence and the business world, helping individuals develop trust and create meaningful connections.

Here’s how Mellissa used The WorkPlay method to convey more meaning, trust, and relatability in her visual marketing strategy:

Use the WorkPlay method to create trust with new leads:

In order to create trust with new leads, it is important to utilize the WorkPlay method. According to the podcast episode, the WorkPlay method has become instrumental in creating that first flash of trust with a new lead. The speaker states, “The WorkPlay method has become instrumental in creating that first flash of trust with a new lead.” This method helps in developing trust by conveying more meaning and relatability through well-crafted images. The speaker mentions, “I’ve always felt that more can be conveyed in terms of meaning and trust and relatability through image when it’s well crafted.” By using authentic and connected images, trust can be established more effectively than through words alone.

Create a visual marketing strategy:

Creating a visual marketing strategy is crucial for conveying authenticity and connecting with the audience. The podcast episode highlights that many people may not have the funds to create a visual marketing strategy, but it is essential for building trust. The speaker mentions, “I feel that a lot of people do because of certain things like price point, they don’t have the funds to be able to create a visual marketing strategy.” However, investing in a visual marketing strategy can help capture the deeper essence, wisdom, and beauty of a brand. The speaker emphasizes, “What I needed was images that capture the deeper essence my wisdom my beauty with the wrinkles with everything I’ve got going on lifting all of that up.”

Embrace authenticity and inner radiance in images:

When working with a photographer, it is important to prioritize authenticity and embrace one’s inner radiance. The speaker shares their experience of working with a photographer who didn’t alter their appearance but instead captured their true essence. They express, “I didn’t want some photographer who’s going to like, you know, touch up my wrinkles or make me look like I’m not what I needed was images that capture the deeper essence my wisdom my beauty with the wrinkles with everything I’ve got going on lifting all of that up.” By embracing authenticity and allowing one’s inner radiance to shine through, the images created will reflect a deeper level of beauty and wisdom.

Relax into your space and be yourself:

To capture the essence of oneself in images, it is important to relax into one’s space and be authentic. The podcast episode emphasizes the importance of being oneself and allowing the energy and radiance from within to shine through. The speaker states, “Just be yourself, relax into your space, be in spaces you love, it’s so much more about that upwelling of your own energy of your own radiance from the inside.” By being true to oneself and embracing the surroundings that bring joy, the images created will reflect a genuine and captivating presence.

Amplify your essence without going into performance mode:

When being photographed, it is essential to amplify one’s essence without feeling the need to perform. The podcast episode highlights the importance of allowing one’s essence to amplify and share oneself authentically. The speaker mentions, “There’s something when the lens is on us and there’s an invitation, there’s a potential for amplifying the essence inside of yourself.” By focusing on sharing one’s true self without the pressure of performing, the images created will reflect a genuine and captivating presence. Additionally, by working with content creators who understand this approach, one can amplify their own self without going into performance mode.

Overall, by utilizing the WorkPlay method, creating a visual marketing strategy, embracing authenticity and inner radiance, relaxing into one’s space, and amplifying one’s essence without performing, individuals can create trust, convey meaning, and establish a deeper connection with their audience through well-crafted images.

Mellissa’s Advice to Future & Current WorkPlay Members:

“Just be yourself, relax into your space, be in spaces you love. It’s so much more about that upwelling of your own energy, of your own radiance from the inside. It’s a night and day difference.”

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