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Chantelle is a WorkPlay member and has been in business for over 10 years. She started in public speaking, then transitioned to teaching and helping female entrepreneurs with their speeches. Chantelle has also been involved in creating storytelling videos, branding, and visual elements for business owners.

Craft the Vision:

Chantelle gives us an inside look at how to “craft a vision.” When “crafting a vision” you must understand the person’s background and experiences. Chantelle has been in business for just over 10 years, where she has helped thousands of beautiful women entrepreneurs, primarily on their speech. Through this, Chantelle has been able to help these women create a focused vision that aligns with their expertise and overall mission of their business.

Lead with Story:

Chantelle’s next step when working with entrepreneursis to lead with the story. Chantelle explains, “I started to play in this place of putting together storytelling videos that really highlighted their mission.” This involves using storytelling to convey their message and values. Chantelle further emphasizes the importance of the story, stating, “the story holds all of that knowledge of what you’re actually doing in a different way that is unique to you.” The goal is to use storytelling to create a strong foundation for the brand.

Connect with the Customer’s Journey:

Next, Chantelle shares on the importance of connecting with the customer’s journey. Chantelle shares about teaching a story’s branding framework, which involves understanding the customer’s story and experiences. Chantelle explains how you start to see a timeline of events form from moments that taught you different lessons and shaped you into who you are. Connecting with a customer’s journey involves identifying the transformation you are creating and the emotions you want to evoke in your customers. Chantelle emphasizes the importance of speaking directly to the customer’s story, stating, “you can start to create the customer’s journey, experience, feelings, emotions, and speak right to the story that they’re unfolding right now.”

Align the Team with the Vision:

Chantelle then explains how you must align your team with the vision. Chantelle shares the need to highlight the overarching brand and then diving into the “micro-stories.” This involves ensuring that each team member understands and connects with the brand’s story and vision. It helps create a cohesive feel within the brand and allows team members to remember their “why” and connect more deeply with others.

Capture the Essence of the Story:

Lastly, Chantelle stresses the need to capture the visual essence of the story. Chantelle shares about the power of visuals in conveying a story and creating a bond with the audience. In order to capture the essence of a story, you need images that evoke emotions in your audience. It’s about creating visually appealing and meaningful content that resonates with your audience.

Chantelle’s Advice to Current and Future WorkPlay Members:

“Focus on the blend of things that make you who you are, the things that matter outside of your business should be the things that matter inside of it.” – Chantelle Adams

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