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If you’re looking to craft a visual marketing campaign that will take your business to the next level, then this step by step guide is for you. We walk you through the entire process of creating a visual marketing campaign from start to finish inside of the WorkPlay Method. Whether you’re a potential Workplay member or a current member looking to up your game, this will guide you with all the tools and strategies you need to make your upcoming quarterly brand shoot a success. You’ll have a clear roadmap for creating a powerful visual marketing campaign that will captivate your audience and drive sales.

Download the WorkPlay Visual Marketing Guide Workbook to Follow Along

1. Define Your North Star

We are going to define the purpose and goals of our business. It’s also important to identify your competitive edge and what sets us apart in your industry. This will help you stand out and attract the right people.

As we go through this process, it’s important to remember that visuals are more powerful when they are backed by emotion. We want to create visuals that evoke the feelings and desires of our ideal clients. This will make our marketing more effective and engaging.

Let’s dive in and define your North Star!

Step by Step North Star Guidance [timestamp: 16:25]:

2. Determine Your Upcoming Projects This Quarter

We need to define the upcoming projects in your business for the next three months. It’s important to be specific and choose one to three projects that will truly move the needle in our business. Start by brainstorming what is happening in your business world in the next three months. What are the big moves? What projects do we want to complete during this time?

Once you have a list of potential projects, you can narrow it down by asking yourself a few questions. How do these plans make you feel? Are you excited or nervous about them? Reflecting on your emotions can help you understand your current season of business and where your focus should be.

Imagine yourself at the end of the quarter. What does success look like to you? What are your must-haves? By defining your desired outcomes, you can prioritize the projects that will bring you closer to your goals.

Step by Step Guidance on Determining Your Upcoming Projects [timestamp: 23:20]:

3. Define Your Visual Campaign’s Style

It’s crucial to define the campaign style. This helps set the tone for your entire quarter’s narrative. There are two types of campaign styles: Evergreen Campaigns Vs. Launch Campaigns.

Evergreen Campaigns

Evergreen campaigns can be run repeatedly and have no expiration date or time-sensitive aspects. They are sustained for years with the right long-term strategy and proper quarterly visual marketing campaigns. Examples of evergreen campaigns include selling a product or service consistently throughout the year or creating visuals based on seasons and holidays.

To determine if your campaign is evergreen, ask yourself:

  • Do you have go-to offers that are always available for purchase?
  • Are you a product company that needs to create visuals based on seasons and holidays?
  • Do you have multiple services that are available year-round?

Launch Campaigns

Launch campaigns create hype for a new product or offer and have a specific launch period. They introduce something new to the market and may have an expiration date or limited availability. Examples of launch campaigns include launching a course, a new collection of products, or a specific project that is not repeated.

To determine if your campaign is a launch, consider the following questions:

  • Are you creating visuals for a service, program, product, or course with specific launch periods?
  • Are you creating visuals for an internal or backend project that is not repeated?
  • Are you creating visuals for an overall content rebrand that will be used as base content between launches?

Remember to choose one to three projects to create visuals for, depending on your preference and business goals.

Step by Step Guidance on Determining Your Upcoming Projects [timestamp: 27:30]:

4. Build a Narrative Around Your Campaigns

A visual marketing campaign is all about telling a specific story about your product or service, and it’s crucial to define the narrative and goals of each campaign.

For evergreen campaigns, you need to define the name, price point, target audience, and the deeper why behind the offer. You also need to choose three words that align with the purpose of the offer and ensure they match the desired result. These words will guide you in creating visuals that evoke the right emotions and narratives.

For launch campaigns, you’ll follow a similar process. You’ll define the name, price point, and the why behind the offer. You will also choose three words that align with the deeper result and ensure they match the desired outcome. These words will help you create visuals that capture the essence of the launch and generate excitement.

It’s important to try to focus on one campaign for simplicity. You should make sure the campaign aligns with your ultimate brand vision, passion, and long-term goals.

Remember, the key is to strategically plan and create visuals that align with the narrative and goals of each campaign. Whether it’s an evergreen or a launch campaign, your visuals should tell a compelling story and generate interest in your product or service.

Step by Step Guidance on Determining Your Upcoming Projects [timestamp: 54:30]:

5. Envision the Scene

It’s important to choose three words that align with the deeper meaning and result of your offer. These words will serve as a guide for the visuals you create. For example, let’s say one of your launch projects is focused on the word “surrender.” Take a moment to think about what surrender looks like to you. How would you visually represent that concept? Showcasing the essence of the words you choose through your imagery will help convey the message and create a powerful impact. Remember, the visuals should authentically reflect the meaning behind your offer.

In your mind’s eye what do you see when you think of those 3 words? Do you see water? Maybe you’re in the mountains somewhere? Maybe you’re on a tropical beach?

Remember, the goal is to create visuals that evoke emotions and tell a story about the essence of your campaign or project.

Step by Step Guidance on Envisioning the Scene [timestamp: 01:01:48]:

6. Stop Trying to be Relatable, Be Authentic.

Authenticity is about staying true to our brand’s values, mission, and unique voice. It’s about being genuine and transparent in our messaging and visuals. Authenticity builds trust and credibility with our audience, as they can sense when a brand is being genuine or trying too hard to fit in.

Finding the right balance between relatability and authenticity requires a deep understanding of our target audience and our brand’s identity. We need to create visuals that not only resonate with our audience but also align with our brand’s values and voice.

By focusing on both relatability and authenticity, we can create visual marketing campaigns that are not only appealing but also genuine and impactful. Our visuals will have the power to connect with our audience on a deeper level and build long-lasting relationships.

Remember, it’s not about trying to be like everyone else or following the latest trends. It’s about staying true to who we are as a brand and creating visuals that genuinely speak to our audience’s needs and desires.

Step by Step Guidance on being Authentic instead of Relatable [timestamp: 01:09:00]:

7. Build Your Visuals Tangibly (via Pinterest)

It’s important to choose keywords that align with the deeper meaning and result of your offer. These keywords will serve as a guide for searching on platforms like Pinterest to create a board of inspiration visuals that effectively communicate your message. Start by using the three words that capture your campaign’s essence (The same ones you defined above!).

For example, if your offer is focused on helping people feel alive and empowered, your keywords could be “vibrant,” “energetic,” and “transformative.” These words will guide the visual direction of your campaign, ensuring that the images and graphics you create evoke the desired emotions and resonate.

Step by Step Guidance on Building Your Visuals Tangibly [timestamp: 01:13:32]:

8. Choose Your Locations

As you browse through your Pinterest board, ask yourself the question: Can I recreate any of the pinned scenes from my Pinterest board?

Get creative here! There’s so much abundance and possibility even in your hometown. Even if the vision takes you somewhere else in the country or world, WorkPlay still can bring it to life as we span across the U.S. and in Europe.

Consider factors like accessibility, lighting, and the overall atmosphere of each location. Take note of any permits or permissions you may need to obtain for shooting in certain places.

Remember, the locations you choose will play a crucial role in setting the tone and capturing the essence of your brand. So take your time, be intentional, and brainstorm locations that truly align with your vision for your campaigns.

Step by Step Guidance on Choosing Your Shoot Locations [timestamp: 01:22:05]:

9. Plan Your Shoot’s Shot List

Take a look at the locations you’ve chosen, which of your Pinterest photos could be recreated at each location? Use the chose Pinterest photos for each location as a guide on the day of the shoot for posing and shot direction.

You’ll also want to us the Pinterest photos as a guide for what type of props you’ll need to bring. For example, if the model in the inspiration photo is holding a drum, then you’ll want to put a drum on your props list!

Use the Workbook pages to guide you through the shot list process. These pages will also be the exact pages you’ll show you WorkPlay Content Planning Team so they can organize all of the logisitics for you!

Step by Step Guidance on Planning your Shoot’s Shot List [timestamp: 01:25:03]:

10. Create a Launch Plan for Your Visuals

Creating a launch plan for after your WorkPlay Brand Shoot is essential to making sure your new visuals will actually amplify your marketing strategies. What’s the point of creating visuals if you don’t use them?!

You can launch of your visuals by planning how to promote them on social media, landing pages, and other marketing channels. You can also use them for website updates, blog posts, and podcast graphics.

The key is to align your visuals with your marketing strategies and business projects to create a cohesive and impactful visual marketing campaign.

Step by Step Guidance on Creating a Launch Plan [timestamp: 01:29:21]:

You did it!

You succesfully created your very own Visual Marketing Campaign for your upcoming quarterly marketing strategy!

As a WorkPlay member, you can take this brand shoot direction into your next quarterly brand shoot! If you’re not a WorkPlay member, you’ve just done the leg work to be the MOST prepared when coming into The WorkPlay Method. In 30 days, you could make this campaign tangibly come to life!

Want to chat more? Book an inquiry call HERE.

Download the WorkPlay Visual Marketing Guide Workbook to Follow Along with this Blog Post

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