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Lindsay Dreyer is a successful real estate agent who has tripled her yearly revenue, increased her social media following, and effectively utilized visual marketing strategies to enhance her business. Originally, this episode was recorded as a webinar but we knew our podcast listeners could gain so much from this chat with Lindsay so we turned it into a podcast episode! In this episode, we talk with Lindsay about the impact of creating a visual marketing campaign for real estate agents, using the WorkPlay method. Lindsay shares her positive experience with the method, emphasizing the importance of creating quality conversations to build trust and connections with clients. The process outlined in the episode includes planning a visual strategy, creating content through brand shoots, and launching the content on social media platforms to enhance brand visibility and engagement.

Planning Your Visual Strategy

In this step, the focus is on creating a brand board to establish your brand identity. Lindsay shared her experience, stating, “I’m gonna use this as an opportunity to reinvent myself!” This process allows for customization based on personal preferences, as Lindsay mentioned, “I want it to be my voice. It has to be me.” The content planning team always works alongside you when creating brand shoot agendas so that your organized visual strategy fully represents you and how you want to show up for your audience. Planning the brand shoot agenda sets the foundation for the visuals that will be created in the next phase.

Creating Your Visual Content

During this phase, the actual content creation takes place, with a focus on capturing the essence of your brand. Lindsay highlighted the importance of honesty and communication during the shoot, stating, “I just think honesty is the best policy.” The content creators, being part of the WorkPlay team, ensure a seamless and professional experience. Your content creator always captures a wide variety of shots during your shoot in order to provide plenty of options for your current and future visual marketing campaigns.

Launching Your Visual Content

Once the visuals are created, the next step involves launching them on social media platforms. This process includes planning and scheduling to ensure a consistent and strategic approach to posting. Lindsay emphasized the accountability aspect, stating, “I know that by the 23rd of the month, I have to be ready for you guys.” This phase allows for the visuals to be utilized across various channels, enhancing brand visibility and engagement so you can get the most our of your content.

Receiving and Approving Your Content

After the content creation phase, the focus shifts to receiving and approving the content. WorkPlay’s quick turnaround time of seven business days ensures quick access to your edited content so you can start launching those visuals right away! Lindsay shared her experience, mentioning, “Your vibe attracts your tribe.” Keeping this in mind is always helpful when going through your gallery and approving your content so you can always strive to attract those ideal dream clients.

Utilizing Your Visual Content

The final action step involves leveraging the visuals for various marketing purposes. Lindsay highlighted the versatility of the visuals, stating, “There’s so many places I’m using them now that go beyond social.” The visuals are designed to support lead generation, sales funnels, and overall brand promotion. The process ensures that the visuals are utilized effectively across different platforms and marketing channels to maximize their impact.

Lindsay’s Advice to Future & Current WorkPlay Members:

“I think that when you’re self-employed, and you don’t have a boss, you need those accountability touch points. So having that due date is so important because then you know it’s actually getting done. You need that accountability and that’s what the WorkPlay method offers.” –Lindsay Dreyer

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